Whakatane May Newsletter
Community Focus
POSTPONEMENT CAR BOOT SALE We will reschedule it for the spring when we can hopefully expect better weather & more customers! Please hang on to the items which you were going to donate – we’ll certainly have a need for them later in the year.
Cancer Centre at Whakatane Hospital
Several hats/beanies, which have been knitted by Quota members, were delivered to the Cancer Centre at Whakatane Hospital on Thursday – two of the patients receiving chemo were delighted with their new “head warmers.”
Elaine has been busy with her knitting for the Clothing Pro-
ject – the many warm jumpers which she created, were deliv-ered out to Edgecumbe for sorting & packing on a Wednesday.
Pink Ribbon Breakfast
In conjunction with Robert Harris, the date for our next Pink Ribbon Breakfast will be Thursday, 19th October.
Shoebox gift for Pacific Island children
Leaflets which explain how to pack a shoebox gift for Pacific Island children have been distributed. Please contact Lyn if you would like a leaflet.
Message from Pam Ross Quota Papakura.
Next month, New Zealand will have a ” Big Shout Out Day” to acknowledge volunteers to thank them for their service. I don’t need a day to acknowledge the wonderful team of women that you are – every day someone is doing something for someone, building a better community, helping a friend, being a good neighbour etc etc.
Marian's 92nd Special Birthday
The Community Focus group decided not to have a meeting this month, and opted instead to have morning tea with Marian while celebrating her 92nd birthday. She was photographed with her coffee and birthday muffin complete with candle, compliments of The Bean, and posy of flowers from Community Focus girls.
Opotiki Club Hosting NZ Club Gathering
The Opotiki Quota Club is pleased to advise that we will be hosting this year’s New Zealand Club Gathering. It will be held in Opotiki the weekend of 16/17 September 2023. Info to follow in May 2023
Melva Prodger gave the Friendship bowl to Wendy Tozer
Birthday Ladies
Judith Smith 17th
Christina Bryant 19th,
Jenny Mahoney 24th,
Lyn Irving 27th,
Wendy Tozer 28th,
Melva Prodger 2nd
Bonnie Roger 18th
2019-2021 Board
President – Annette Steele
Secretary – Jenny Mahoney
Treasurer – Ina Murphy
Club Focus – Christina Bryant
Community Focus – Lyn Irving
Media – Melva Prodger
Social Secretary – Kerren Foreman
MEETING apologies to Jenny Mahoney
DINNER apologies to Christina Bryant – (on a Wednesday prior to dinner)