Papakura Newsletter May

President’s Message

Warm sunny days, crystal clear night skies, and it feels like spring, or is this Autumn. Well, it may be Winter but lets all enjoy what we have. I know those fires will keep burning for a few months to come. We are now in our final stages of planning for our Annual Antique fair.
This is a time, when all members come together, with enthusiasm, including lots of laughs as we work and gather to-gether over the weekend.
Of course there is the well worth of mentioning food tasting / pre sampling of the Fair cafe food.
Where home baking, and special intergeneration recipes fill our cafe and sometimes our stomachs. BRING IT ON ” as we look forward to another successful Antique fair so we can continue to support those community organisations that make a difference in the lives of the vulnerable including woman and children across our communities.

Friendship in Quota
Glenys Best

Opotiki Regional Meeting – Sept 2023
The gathering of the New Zealand clubs is happening on September 16th/17th the time will fly and soon enough a gathering of like minded Quotarians will be gathering together to invest in each others like mindedness and also share hints, tips and differences that strengthen the work we do for our communities in New Zealand

2023 Quota Antique Fair preparations update, believe it or not only 2 weeks to go!

Quota Antique Fair meetings are increasing in frequency as the weekend draws nearer… Carol has hosted another meeting on Monday 12th June with a warm cosy fire and a lot of last minute cross checking being done as we begin to ensure that all the planning and co-ordinating is finely tuned. Please continue to identify possible Fair fund recipients from our wonderful community , making good use of the fair profits—we have received a number of potential recipients information which we will then need to discuss at June Business meeting.

Raffle tickets time , Fair Rosters and Jammies in June

Along with the fair goes the exciting time of selling our raffle tickets, hot of the press from the printers — the prizes are – 1st prize High Tea, 2nd prize Gourmet Grocery Basket, and 3rd prize Garden Gift Basket.

Please bring your gourmet and garden items to fill the prize baskets to the Business meeting on 27/6/23—thank you! The Antique Fair weekend rosters for tasks and for baking are circulating—fill in what you are able to and as we know there is always “flex” and fun even while the hard work is being done! Also if you have any Jammies for June please bring these along to the June Business meeting as well.

Download our latest newsletter.

Above: Our thanks once again to Pam and Jim Ross for hosting us for the usual working bee to clean and update the Fair signs and banners—this was held on Sunday 21st May on a crisp Sunny autumnal day! 

Happy Birthdays to our June ladies ...

 Jennie Hellyer 3rd,  Denise Webber 8th

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