Auckland June Newsletter
A few thoughts …
I’m sorry I didn’t think to take any photos at our May meeting with Sophie Gray. She was a very entertaining speaker and passionate about what she does. Their food parcels are more like a ‘My Food Bag’ as they include a recipe and items that make up a meal.
I have emailed Kendra from Assistance Dogs to see if she can come in July.
Reminder for next Monday **
New Jammies for Middlemore Foundation ‘Jammies in June’

Jammies delivered in 2020

Lyn McKenzie - 23 June
Venue – Heron Lounge – Summerset Ellerslie
(see instructions for parking from Shelley)
Time – 5 – 8 pm
Food – Pam will send out a list next week.
Apologies to Lyn 021 867283
Next Meeting - Monday 19th June 2023
Instructions for parking from Shelley
Come in the gate and take first right, drive right to the end of the road towards an apartment block.
There is parking for cars down there. If not enough I will get permission from my friends to park in front of their house and will show you where. I will watch out for you and head you to the lounge.
Phone Shelly if lost.