At the Christmas lunch
The Quota Christmas lunch was held at the CT Club in Rotorua on Sunday 4th December. It was a delicious meal and our thanks go to the social committee for the organisation of the event. Twenty two people attended. Pre lunch drinks were enjoyed out on the deck in the warm and welcoming sun. Food donations brought along to the function were to be donated to the Salvation Army.
Dunkit for Plunket
Recently Sally Davis , Robyn Ward, Mal Feetham & Robyn Harding were present to hand over 2 child car seats to Plunket. With them in the photo are Plunket nurses Kaiawhina & Belinda and Alice from Car Seat Service. The seats were bought with the money raised through Dunkit for Plunket and will be used to support families with transport difficulties to get children to checkups, and to vaccination centres.